No to RH Bill!

As a Filipino, I think I should be involved in this kind of matter. Depending on us individuals, major change in practices and lifestyle will happen in a short while.

Reproductive Health Bill, or popularly known as the RH Bill, is a bill in the Philippines created for the main purpose of birth control and maternal care. The bill highly encourages the usage of birth control pills and IUDs.

Many Filipinos are against the RH Bill, and they agree on what the church has said. This is very unnatural! There are many ways to control our population, and avoid unplanned birth. It should not come to this point where contraceptives are considered part of our necessity. We, as people of God, should NOT SAY YES to ABORTION. I understand how to church reacts to this issue. Even President Benigno Aquino III is neutral to this case.

Now what can we do about RH Bill? If you are against, do not keep it to yourself. Support all anti-RH Bill. We are always blessed by God because we are one of those countries that has a strong presence of Catholicism.

No to RH Bill! Are you a PRO or Anti RH Bill?


  1. helen May 11, 2011 at 9:53 am

    i am also anti-RH bill… I am still thinking how I am going to write about it. Maybe I’ll do a feature on babies or something…

  2. excloudstrife6 - Site Author May 11, 2011 at 11:17 pm

    yeah.. 🙁 i became aware as my mother told be about the deep truth of RH Bill…whew… 🙁 Philippines won’t be as holy as ever if RH bill will be implemented..


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