How I overcame my insomnia in just three days

What is insomnia? How serious and deadly does this disorder affects our health?


Insomnia is a sleeping disorder wherein you find yourself having a hard time to fall asleep or stay asleep. You only get a short time of sleep which greatly reduces our immune system and deprives our body from the rest we need for our daily activities. Also, this disorder can lead to other problems such as:

  • daytime fatigue or sleepiness
  • irritability, depression, or anxiety
  • gastrointestinal symptoms
  • low motivation or energy
  • poor concentration and focus
  • a lack of coordination, leading to errors or accidents
  • worry or anxiety about sleeping

When the pandemic started, my insomnia developed greatly due to the anxiety brought by the lockdown and nothing to do but stay at home. I found myself sleeping around 3 AM or 4 AM, and I have to wake up at 7 AM because I work at 8 AM. My sleeping disorder made me weak to the extent that I lost my motivation in all the things that I do.

For years of suffering from insomnia, I finally found my solution to atleast control it and get back my normal body clock. It was really hard for me to be sleeping whenever I need to.

Good thing I found these 2 magic bottles.

Usana Cellsentials

Introducing the USANA Cellsentials. First of all, this is not a promotional blog post. I just want to share how I managed to get back to my sleeping habits before I got my insomnia. Actually, I got the idea of using this from a friend from work. Whenever we play DOTA at night, he usually calls off as early as 9 PM, so I asked why. He said that he was currently taking a particular brand of vitamins and minerals that has no disclaimer such as “No Approved Therapeutic Claims“. He also added that these vitamins make him drowsy and gives him a good night sleep.

Hearing that, I became interested and purchased from an active member of the USANA company. I bought these two bottles for P3000.00 (about $60). One bottle has 112 tablets in it. From the bottle itself, these are good for 28 days because you need to take 4 tablets from each bottle everyday. Some says that it is okay to take just half of the recommended dosage, but in order to fully grasp what the USANA Cellsentials has to offer I decided to take the 4 tabs from each bottle daily. You have to take the vitamins from both bottles simultaneously as it should be taken by pairs. Whenever you take 1, you have to take the other 1 too.

What I do is I take 1 pair during breakfast, 1 pair during lunch and 2 pairs during dinner. There can be other ways to take, but it depends on your choice.

Honestly, when I looked it up in the internet for reviews and the contents of the tablets I’m about to take, I find a lot of positive feedbacks and a lot of benefits from the vitamins and minerals stored from each tablet. I know that this is not cheap at all. It’s actually expensive if you are going to make it as a ‘maintenance’ vitamins. It’s like spending P100 daily ($2), but it’s really worth it if you think about it.

So yesterday marked my 3rd day of intake, and from there I already felt the effect of the vitamins. I became drowsy as early as 9:30 PM. Voila! It worked like a charm. I became happy the moment I woke up as I managed to feel normal again in terms of waking up early without feeling the ‘daytime fatigue’. It is where you feel so tired even though you just woke up from sleep, and I really hate that sensation.

You heard it right. I’m cured! And yes…I’m just sharing this method. I’m not selling and I won’t be referring someone for you to buy these. If you find this helpful, you can share your experiences as well through the comment section.

I hope you get the same effect as I did. Goodluck!

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