Globe, Smart and Sun Autoload Online Using Paypal

Based on my experience, I’ve had problems with running out of cellphone load, and whenever at night I can’t seem to go out and get load from the nearest store because there aren’t. I’ve been thinking of a solution or alternative to this autoload.

Globe, Smart, Sun Autoload

Now during my research, I stumbled on an ad in Ebay offering Autoload via Online. At first, I doubted it, but I saw the feedbacks, and “Holy Sh*t!” the seller is credible! After seeing that, I tried to avail their cheapest pack (P30), after some minutes like 30-45 minutes, I received the load. Since then, I use that during emergency purposes. All of the load I paid were received, but when it’s very late already like 1 AM or 2 AM, expect some delay for maybe an hour because the guy needs sleep too!

Here are the rates:

P30 –> $ 0.99
P60 –> $ 1.65
P150 –> $ 3.75
P300 –> $ 7.30
P500 –> $ 12.05
P1000 –> $ 23.55

P30 –> $ 0.99
P60 –> $ 1.65
P115 –> $ 2.87
P300 –> $ 7.30
P500 –> $ 12.05
P1000 –> $ 23.55

P150 –> $3.80
P300 –> $7.80
P500 –> $12.00
7-day Call & Text Unlimited –> $3.80
30-day Call & Text Unlimited –> $10.85
30-day Text Unlimited –> $3.80


When paying using Paypal, DON’T FORGET to include your number in the “Enter your number” portion. They will contact you via email when the load gets in, and don’t worry it has a receipt too issued by Paypal.

That’s the solution folk! Please leave a feedback here if you liked their services. I assure you that they are very helpful in times of need. If you’re the home boy/girl, then this fits you because all you need is to go online for 5 minutes, then you got your load instantly thru them.


  1. Ralph Nathaniel Caballero January 18, 2013 at 10:38 am

    Hello, I hope you received my order, how can u assure me that I’ll receive the Load today?
    I already paid my order in Paypal

  2. Jr - Site Author January 18, 2013 at 10:54 am

    FYI: It’s not my store. It’s owned by someone else. I just used that way back from 2011, so I blogged about it because I found it great and handy…that was in 2011.


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