Dead Fantasy – Awaiting Dead Fantasy VI

Have you watched or heard already about Dead Fantasy? If not, then take it from me buddy, it was really cool! Knowing that it was a CG action fan-made created by Monty Oum. I first viewed it on the laptop I had my eyes on when I was buying one. The salesman should be grateful that it added to my interest aside from the specs of the laptop.

I noticed that there are unfamiliar faces in Dead Fantasy. That’s how I come to know that Dead Fantasy comprises not just Final Fantasy, but also Ninja Gaiden, Dead or Alive and Kingdom Hearts.

You can see Yuna, Tifa, Rikku, Rinoa, and Kairi representing the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. As for Dead or Alive/Ninja Gaiden, you won’t miss Kasumi, Ayane, Hitomi and Rachel.

I just wondered Cloud Strife appeared, and also the brother of Hitomi, Hayate. There are appearances of Ryu Hayabusa, Helena Douglas, Kasumi Alpha, and Momiji. The characters where from the Dead Fantasy episode 1 up to the recent which is 5. There could be additions. Who knows what the creator has in mind.

I won’t spoil here, so you better watch it. You can view it on Youtube, I think. It’s best in HD. I’ve been waiting for the Dead Fantasy 6. Aww. I wish they finish it sooner or later.

1 Comment

  1. Jag November 15, 2010 at 3:32 pm

    Gotta check it…thanks!


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