Two weeks ago, my Yahoo account got hacked by someone I don’t know. Geez! I knew it, my vibes can sense that I’ll be hacked in no time. Weeks before that happened, my account was attempted with multiple forgot password requests. I reported it to Yahoo, but there was no response. I was very uneasy that day, then July 10 came, my doomsday. When I woke up, I couldn’t access my email account already. I was very pissed. It ruined my very day. You know why? I’m using that Yahoo account since grade school, it has been 9 years at least. How could I not get enraged with what has happened?
I sent many help request from Yahoo, complaining my compromised account. Until now, there’s NO RESPONSE from them. What the hell! I’m ready to pay to at least terminate the account, if recovering is not possible. Many of my friends reacted to my wall post in my Facebook, they told me to just move on and switch to Google Mail, known as Gmail.
As I’m making a new one, I felt more secured with Gmail. I hope they are more RESPONSIVE, unlike the first service I used. I just don’t know why Yahoo is very slow to this one. I’m one of the victim who failed to get justice.
Did you also get an experience like this one? I wish all the evil hackers go to hell. 🙂
My Yahoo account was recovered! Thank You Yahoo! Now Yahoo said that due to incredibly high volume of complaints, the response to be given to my account got delayed. Well, since they made a good one, I believe them. Thank You again Yahoo!